Neonate N65

42.990 kr.

Verðlaunað barnapíutæki sem tryggir öryggi barnsins þíns.

Neonate N65 hefur hlotið fjögur verðlaun fyrir frammistöðu sína í prófunum á barnapíutækjum árið 2024, og er hannað til að mæta þörfum skandinavísks lífsstíls.

•Allt að 800m drægni – Þú getur fylgst með barninu þínu hvort sem þú ert inni í húsinu eða úti í garðinum

•Tenging við allt að þrjú barnatæki fyrir örugg og truflanalaus samskipti

Löng rafhlöðuending – Allt að 200 klst. á einni hleðslu

Hitamælir sem fylgist með hitastigi hjá barninu þínu, virkar jafnvel í allt að -19°C

Hvort sem það er sumar eða vetur, getur þú treyst á Neonate N65 til að sjá um barnið þitt.


Vörunúmer: 0100643580 Flokkur: Vörumerki:


Neonate N65 is design for the modern Scandinavian family. It is easy to use, at the same time as it has different customizable functions that makes it possible for you to find the settings that best suits your family’s needs. The Connect 3 to 1 feature makes it possible to connect up to 3 different baby units to the same parent unit, allowing the baby unit to scale with the size of your family. Our goal with the N65 is to bring flexibility to the parenting life, while still making you feel close to your baby.

  • Mode: Audio only
  • Range: 800 meters
  • Battery: 200 hours stand-by-time
  • Radiation: Low – Max 25mW


Connect 3 to 1
With the N65 baby monitor you can connect up to 3 different baby units to the same parrent unit. This makes it the perfect baby monitor for parrents with multiple children. The standard box contains 1 baby unit. Extra baby units are sold separatly.

Talk back
The N65 has two way communication, making it possible for the parrent to talk to the child by pressing the talk back button.

Zero radiation function
Zero radiation function means no signals are sent between baby and parent unit when ZRF is activated unless noise is detected, making the stand-by mode entirely radiation free.

Temperature alarm
N65 has an alarm that warns you if the temperature in your baby’s surroundings is too high or too low.

Out of range alarm
Zero radiation function means no signals are sent between baby and parent unit when ZRF is activated unless noise is detected, making the stand-by mode entirely radiation free.

Sleep timer
The sleep timer function records sleeping time.

Box content

  • 1x Parent Unit
  • 1x Baby Unit
  • 2x Docking
  • 2x Cable
  • 2x Adapter
  • 2x Neck Strap
  • 2x Mounting Kit
  • 2x Velco Strap

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