Discovery Plus 2

41.990 kr.

Tryggingaverð: 33.592 kr.

The new DISCOVERY PLUS is the go-to car seat for anyone looking for a reliable and easy to use highback booster seat. Designed and manufactured in Germany, the DISCOVERY PLUS meets our highest standards in comfort and safety on the road. 3.5 years – 12 years | 100 – 150 cm | 15 – 36 kg.

Vörunúmer: 0100640963 Flokkur: Vörumerki:


Simply safe
The DISCOVERY PLUS is designed to meet the new i-Size standard and provides enhanced safety for your child. Our new ISOFIX connectors make the installation in the car easy, convenient and simply safe.

Comfort meets practicality
The optimised seating area and the generously padded soft fabric covers offer additional comfort, especially on long journeys. Thanks to the slim design, up to three DISCOVERY PLUS seats can be installed in the back seating area of a wide range of cars. When switching the seat between vehicles, helpful headrest markings make it easy to get the right setting every time. The ISOFIX system makes the installation of the seat simple and safe.

Sustainability made in Germany
Unlike competition, BRITAX RÖMER manufactures the vast majority of car seats in Germany. Not only does this ensure the highest production quality – it also shortens transport distances and therefore significantly lowers the impact on the environment. To make the DISCOVERY PLUS even more sustainable, it comes in compact recycled carton packaging which is efficient in transport.

Adjustable backrest

The child seat’s adjustable backrest allows you to match the angle of the vehicle seat, providing a better fit and a comfortable position for your child.

Easy adjustable, ergonomic headrest

Our headrest is designed specifically for the comfort of older children and can easily be adjusted to the correct position. Helpful markings at the back of the headrest guide parents to find the right headrest height every single time when they change the seat between cars or transport multiple children in the same seat.

Three seats in a row

The seat’s slim and compact design allows for three seats to be installed in the back row of a wide range of cars.

New Isofix connectors

The DISCOVERY PLUS features our new ISOFIX connectors. The connectors can be operated independently of one another and therefore make the installation of the seat even easier.

Removable cover

Things can get messy in the car – drinks can spill and children can get car sick. That’s why we’ve designed a machine washable seat cover that can easily be removed, so you can clean up quick and get on your way.

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Af öryggisástæðum er ekki hægt að skila bílstólum né base-um. Við bjóðum upp á að máta stólinn/base-ið í bílinn ef þess er óskað í verslun okkar til að ganga úr skugga um að hann passi. Við mælum ekki með að senda öryggisvöru eins og bílstóla og base með flutningsaðila, mælum frekar með að slík vara sé sótt í verslun okkar.

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