Crib Shoes


Why compromise when you can get comfort and quality from an early age. A beautiful combination of good craftsmanship and beautiful details, gathered in one and the same product. No more lost feet! With the petticoats from Petit La Busch, you are guaranteed that both petticoats will always return home. Children need to be able to sense and feel their surroundings, and our feet allow them to do that. The thin 2-3 mm layer of suede and the design of the feet, without any stiff and thick rubber sole, allows for far more senses to be picked up through the child’s feet.

Vörunúmer: 0100642733 Flokkar: , , , Merkimiði: Vörumerki:


  • kemur í fallegum endurunnum poka
  • króm- og málmlaus vara
  • endurunnin frumefni
  • endurnýttir hlutir
  • framleitt í EU
  • handgerðir
  • enginn sóli né band
  • 3-6 mánaða / 10,5 cm
  • 6-9 mánaða / 11,5 cm
  • 9-12 mánaða / 12,5 cm
  • We recommend that there is a minimum of 1 cm. air from the tip of the toes to the feet’s nose, then there is room for them to grow and thick stockings.


The linings are produced in 100% suede without either chrome or nickel. Packaging is produced in STANDARD 100 OEKO-TEX 100% recycled polyester, printed with biodegradable and hypoallergenic ink. The material is water-repellent and therefore prevents the absorption of any spilled liquid in the bag.

The original boots

The original boots, with their completely unique shape and design, combined with a material of high-quality suede, are made to stay on the little wild feet. They are designed with a special double closure with velcro on both the front and back, so they can easily be put on a pair of lively baby feet, then stay where they were put.

The linings are made of single-layer suede, without lining or sole, to make them thin and sleek, despite the shoe-like design.

For good ventilation, small air holes have been made in both the nose and heel, so that the little feet will always be able to get air, without getting cold, as suede in itself is breathable and warm.

We only use high-quality suede, which means they are produced without chrome and nickel content in the leather.

The innovative design around the heel piece helps to avoid the sewn together heel piece that is usually seen in similar boots, to avoid pressure from sewing when they are lying on their back with the heel towards the ground. This design is also one of the reasons why the boots stay on the foot, as the whole foot goes properly and deeper into the boots.

The perfect fit for the baby’s foot

When we talk about footwear, a good fit is important for both young and old.

At Petit La Busch, we have designed the booties based on a special design, which closes and forms around the child’s ankle, rather than over the instep, so that they sit fantastically on the little feet. By closing around the heel and ankle, you prevent the little foot from slipping out.

Opposite is the very special guide, which will also be visible on our hand tags, so that everyone has easy access to the smart guide.

The reason for this special application of the boots is that, due to the suede material, the feet do not slide easily into the boots. This is also a contributing factor to the futs staying on.


Frekari upplýsingar


Chocolate, Cognac, Light Rosa, Sand


3-6m, 6-9m, 9-12m