Beisli Designer

2.290 kr.

Harnesses and reins not only allow young children the freedom and stability when starting to walk, but offer parents the ability to keep hold of their children. They also help to keep young children safe in highchairs, strollers and other articles.

Vörunúmer: 0100619040 Flokkur: Brand:


This harness features

  • Fun Little Angel Pink design that your child will want to wear
  • Fully adjustable waist, shoulder and anchor straps
  • Unique ‘press to release’ fittings on anchor straps and walking rein
  • Press to release back clasp
  • Machine washable
  • Suitable from birth up to 4 years of age
  • Conforms to BS EN 13210:2004

Frekari upplýsingar


Dinosaur, Ladybird, Little Angel, Racing Driver, Teddy Multi, Teddy Wht Nvy