Bílstólafesting YOYO³

8.990 kr.

Stokke® YOYO® car seat adapters. Clip on compatible car seats on your YOYO³ stroller. Clip a car seat onto your YOYO® stroller in the blink of an eye. A selection of car seats are compatible with YOYO® and can be installed in seconds with YOYO® car seat adapters.

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Vörunúmer: 0100646893 Flokkur: Brand:


These are the compatible car seats you can use with the car seat adapters on your YOYO² frame:

  • Bebe Confort/Maxi Cosi Pebble Pro
  • Maxi Cosi Pebble 360 Pro
  • BeSafe iZi Go Modular X1
  • Cybex Aton Q
  • Cybex Cloud T & Cybex Cloud T i-Size
  • Cybex Cloud Z
  • Cybex Cloud Z2 i-Size

These are the compatible car seats you can use with the car seat adapters on your YOYO³ frame:

  • Maxi Cosi Pebble 360 pro
  • YOYO car seat by BeSafe
  • Cybex Aton Q
  • Cybex Cloud Z
  • BeSafe iZi Go Modular X2
  • Cybex Aton S2
  • Cybex Cloud G
  • Cybex Cloud T

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