SoftShape Silicone Shield (2)

3.290 kr.

Every shape fits SoftShape! Dr. Brown’s™ SoftShape™ Silicone Shield is made of 100% silicone for a comfortable, flexible pumping experience no matter your breast shape.

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Unique to your physique. Drop the hard, plastic flanges and grab the SoftShape, the silicone shield that conforms to your unique breast physique. This one-piece, removable shield is easy to pop on and off your pump, quick to clean and simpler to keep track of than flanges with multiple parts.

  • Soft silicone is gentle against your skin, making pumping more comfortable for mom
  • Comes in A (21 mm), B (25 mm), and C (30 mm) to fit a wide variety of sizes
  • Fits Dr. Brown’s Manual Breast Pump and the Customflow™ Double Electric Breast Pump
  • Dishwasher safe (top rack) and BPA free