Snuza Hero MD

30.990 kr.

Snuza HeroMD is the world’s first medically certified, portable baby breathing monitor. It’s clinically proven to detect if a baby stops breathing. Used as a stand-alone device and does not require connection to an app.

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Vörunúmer: 0100644796 Flokkur: Brand:


  • Medical certification means that Snuza HeroMD: has been rigorously tested and clinically evaluated for efficacy and reliability.
  • Is certified to the highest quality standards.
  • Adheres to a stringent set of safety standards.
  • Offers ultimate peace of mind
  • Snuza HeroMD is a certified Class IIb Medical Device, meeting the European Medical Device requirements whereby all baby breathing monitors must be certified.


  • Medical grade plastic and silicone
  •  Easily clips onto baby’s diaper
  •  Volume-controlled sonic „ticking“ function to „hear“ baby’s breathing
  •  Gently vibrates to wake baby after 15 seconds
  •  Audible alarm after 20 seconds of no breathing
  •  Adjustable settings
  •  Wireless and portable

Snuza HeroMD offers parents peace of mind
Snuza HeroMD is designed to constantly monitor the baby’s breathing during sleep. It is the first certified baby breathing monitor in Europe and is clinically proven to detect when the baby stops breathing. If the baby’s breathing stops, HeroMD gently vibrates to awaken the baby after 15 seconds. If no breathing is detected after another 5 seconds (for a total of 20 seconds), HeroMD will sound an alarm so that you can act and respond quickly. Knowing if your child stops breathing increases the likelihood of resuscitation, which can be a lifesaver!