Deluxe Bottle Brush

2.190 kr.

Góður pelabursti sem auðvelt er að þrífa pelan alla leið. Mjúk en sterk burstahár sem eru hönnuð til að minnka skvetturnar. Túttuhreinsir fylgir með og er geymdur í handfanginu. Má setja í uppþvottavél, efstu hæð. BPA frítt.

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Brush up your bottle cleaning

The top-notch Deluxe Bottle Brush cleans from the top down, helping you go from nipple to base with ease. A team of soft and sturdy bristles work in tandem to simplify scrubbing, angled to prevent splashing soapy water.

  • Ergonomic, multi-layered rubber handle won’t flex or bend
  • Specially-designed ridged nipple cleaner on base
  • Suction storage clip for sanitary storage
  • Includes additional small parts cleaning brush
  • Dishwasher safe (top rack) and BPA-Free